- http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/thom-cochrane/
- Cochrane, T., & Withell, A. (2013). Augmenting design education with mobile social media: A transferable framework. In I. A. Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2013 (pp. in review). Lisbin, Portugal: IADIS International Association for Development of the Information Society.
- Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., Mulrennan, D., & Pamatatau, R. (2013). Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education. [Journal]. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, In review.
- Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., & Oldfield, J. (2013). iPadagogy: Appropriating the ipad within pedagogical contexts. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 7(1), 48-65.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2013). A mobile web 2.0 framework: Reconceptualizing teaching and learning. In M. Repetto & G. Trentin (Eds.), Using network and mobile technology to bridge formal and informal learning (Vol. in pre print). Genoa, Italy: Chandos Publishing.
- Withell, A., Cochrane, T., Reay, S., Gaziulusoy, I., & Inder, S. (2012, 25-28 November). Augmenting the Design Thinking Studio. Paper presented at the ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Coleman, D. (2012, November-December). The social revolution. Idealog, 42.
- Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., & Mulrennan, D. (2012). Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education. In I. A. Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2012 (pp. 165-172). Berlin, Germany: IADIS International Association for Development of the Information Society.
- Cochrane, T., & Rhodes, D. (2012). iArchi[tech]ture: Exploring heutagogy enabled by mobile web 2.0. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, in review.
- Cochrane, T., & Narayan, V. (2012). DeFrosting Professional Development: Reconceptualising Teaching Using Social Learning Technologies. Research in Learning Technology, 19(Supplement 1 - Proceedings of the 2011 ALT Conference), 158-169.
- Cochrane, T., & Narayan, V. (2012, 25-28 November). Exploring mobile augmented reality. Paper presented at the ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T., Keegan, H., Gordon, A., Buchem, I., & Camacho, M. (2012, 18-20 September). Global mobile social media reporters. Paper presented at the Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop (MLCW12) held at the Seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012): 21st Century Learning For 21st Century Skills, Universitat Des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany.
- Cochrane, T., & Keegan, H. (2012). New Global Learning Cultures: Interdisciplinarity through networked technologies. [mobile learning; communities of practice; social media;]. Selected Papers Of Internet Research, 0(October 2012), 1-31.
- Cochrane, T., & Keegan, H. (2012, 18-21 October). New global learning cultures: Interdisciplinarity through networked learning. Paper presented at the Internet Research 13.0: Technologies, MediaCity:UK - University of Salford, UK.
- Cochrane, T., Buchem, I., Camacho, M., Gordon, A., Keegan, H., Rhodes, D., et al. (2012). Mlearning 2.0: Exploring international collaboration. British Journal of Educational Technology(in review).
- Cochrane, T., Black, B., Lee, M., Narayan, V., & Verswijvelen, M. (2012). Rethinking elearning support strategies. International Journal for Academic Development, iFirst October 19, 2012, 1-18.
- Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., & Wagner, D. (2012, 15-18 October). Heutagogial approaches to mlearning: from student-generated content to international co-production. Paper presented at the Mlearn 2012: the 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland.
- Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Sissons, H., Withell, A., Wagner, D., Gordon, A., et al. (2012, 25-28 November). Post Web 2.0 Pedagogy: Mobile social media. Paper presented at the Ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures, Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Gordon, A., Sissons, H., & Withell, A. (2012). Heutagogy and mobile social media: post web 2.0 pedagogy. In M. Brown, M. Hartnett & T. Stewart (Eds.), ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures (pp. 204-214). Wellington, New Zealand: ascilite.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Mobile social media on student owned devices for bridging the digital divide. Paper presented at the Holmesglen Teaching and Learning Showcase: BYOdevice, exploring digital learning. Retrieved from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s26/sh/b544e88a-9bf4-4ed5-81ee-aee586ffdfc7/b83e3e3b97d84e11ae5d4024953c0718
- Cochrane, T. (2012). M-Learning: a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change. Paper presented at the Holmesglen Teaching and Learning Showcase: BYOdevice, exploring digital learning. Retrieved from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s26/sh/aedcf4d4-33be-4690-bc38-b23e75a66281/a850115404556663119b71fd74ada697
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Moving Beyond “No Significant Difference” Mobile Learning as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change. Paper presented at the e-Merging Technologies in Training Conference. Retrieved from http://thomcochrane.wikispaces.com/MLearningPresentation
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile Web 2.0. British Journal of Educational Technology(in pre-print).
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Beyond No Significant Difference: Designing mlearning as a catalyst for pedagogical change. Paper presented at the m-Libraries 2012: "From margin to mainstream: mobile technologies transforming lives and libraries". Retrieved from http://stadium.open.ac.uk/stadia/stadia/berrill/stadiamovies/2589-44-1-N.mov
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Secrets of mlearning failures: confronting reality. Research in Learning Technology, 20(ALT-C 2012 Conference Proceedings - A confrontation with reality), 123-134.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Moving Beyond "No Significant Difference": Mobile learning as a catalyst for pedagogical change. Paper presented at the MoodleMoot Australia: Riding the Wave. Retrieved from http://moodlemoot.org.au/mod/book/view.php?id=20&chapterid=16
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Social implications of mobile learning in global learning environments. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Pedagogical applications and social effects of mobile technology integration (Vol. in pre print). Grand Forks.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Mlearning as a catalyst for pedagogical change. In Z. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile learning (Vol. in pre print, pp. in review): Routledge.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). A summary and critique of mlearning research and practice. In Z. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile learning (Vol. in pre print, pp. in review): Routledge.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Secrets of mlearning failures: Confronting reality. In D. Hawkridge, S. Verjans & G. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of ALT-C 2012 - a confrontation with reality: The 19th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology (pp. 123-134). University of Manchester, UK: ALT Association for Learning Technology.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). mLearning: Integrating mobile devices into learning and teaching. Unpublished Workshop. Otago Polytechnic.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Mobile Web 2.0 Integration. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), Accepted, awaiting issue assignment.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Contemporary Music Students and Mobile technology. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Wireless Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (Vol. 3, pp. 1390-1414). Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). Mobile Cloud Services as Catalysts for Pedagogical Change. In L. Chao (Ed.), Cloud Computing for Teaching and Learning (pp. 164-184). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T. (2012). An mlearning Journey: Mobile Web 2.0 Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), 3(2), 44-57.
- Buchem, I., Cochrane, T., Gordon, A., Keegan, H., & Camacho, M. (2012). Mlearning 2.0: The potential and challenges of collaborative mobile learning in participatory curriculum development in higher education. In I. A. Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2012 (pp. 311-314). Berlin, Germany: IADIS International Association for Development of the Information Society.
- Oldfield, J., Cochrane, T., & MacDonald, D. (2011). Making the 'Case' for the iPad. Paper presented at the International Conference on Elearning Futures (iCELF). Retrieved from http://www.icelf.org/assets/elc11Abstract00038.pdf
- Oldfield, J., & Cochrane, T. (2011). Equipping Lecturers for the iRevolution. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th ASCILITE Conference, ASCILITE 2011: Changing Demands, changing directions (pp. 919-929). Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: The University of Tasmania.
- Garnett, F., Ecclesfield, N., & Cochrane, T. (2011). Dialogue Paper; Bridging Contexts; Preparing the institution for emerging technologies. Paper presented at the CAL 2011: Learning Futures: Education, Technology & Sustainability. Retrieved from http://elsevier.conference-services.net/resources/247/2253/pdf/CALX2011_0300.pdf
- Garnett, F., Cochrane, T., Lowe, P., & Ecclesfield, N. (2011). Heutagogy and Technology Stewardship; Theory, Practice and Mobile Social Media. Paper presented at the ECE 2011: Education In a Changing Environment, 6th International Conference Creativity & Engagement In Higher Education. Retrieved from http://www.ece.salford.ac.uk/programmes-2011/papers/paper_135.pdf
- Cochrane, T., & Rhodes, D. (2011). iArchi[tech]ture: Heutagogical Approaches to Education Facilitated by Mlearning Integration. In K. Fernstrom & C. Tsolakidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education ICICTE 2011 (pp. 112-121). Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece: University of the Fraser Valley and the University of the Aegean.
- Cochrane, T., & Oldfield, J. (2011). iPadagogy2.0: Exploring the affordances of the iPad for student-generated media production. Unpublished Workshop. University of Tasmania.
- Cochrane, T., & Oldfield, J. (2011). iPedagogy: Exploring pedagogical transformation via mlearning with the iPad. Unpublished Workshop. Lincoln University.
- Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., & Oldfield, J. (2011). iPadagogy: Appropriating the iPad within Pedagogical Contexts. In S. Yu (Ed.), mLearn2011, 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (pp. 146-154). Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University.
- Cochrane, T., & Narayan, V. (2011, 11th July). Exploring mobile augmented reality. Shar-E-fest, from https://docs.google.com/document/d/19aF4YEgvAPkBg8RjOsuxo7qJkGFkQEEpKIdttMXIgfI/edit
- Cochrane, T., & Narayan, V. (2011). iPedagogy. Unpublished Workshop. Waikato University Centre for eLearning.
- Cochrane, T., & Narayan, V. (2011). DeFrosting Professional Development: Reconceptualising Teaching Using Social Learning Technologies. In D. Hawkridge, K. Ng & S. Verjans (Eds.), Proceedings of ALT-C 2011 - Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate: The 18th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology (pp. 158-169). University of Leeds, UK: ALT Association for Learning Technology.
- Cochrane, T., & Flitta, I. (2011). Mobile Web 2.0 Integration. In I. A. Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2011. Hotel Palácio de Los Velada, Avilla, Spain: IADIS.
- Cochrane, T., Bateman, R., Buchem, I., Camacho, M., Gordon, A., Keegan, H., et al. (2011). Mlearning 2.0: Fostering International Collaboration. In I. Candel Torres, L. Gomez Chova & A. Lopez Martinez (Eds.), ICERI2011: 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovations (pp. 42-51). Madrid, Spain: IATED.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2011). Strategies for mlearning integration: Evaluating a case study of staging and scaffolding mlearning integration across a three-year bachelor’s degree. Waikato Journal of Education (WJE), 16(1), 109-124.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2011). Transforming Pedagogy Using Mobile Web 2.0. In D. Parsons (Ed.), Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources (pp. 281-307). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T. (2011, 21 September). MLearning: Why? What? Where? How? ascilite Webinars 6. from http://ascilitewcprod.netspot.com.au/launcher.cgi?room=1418624983_2011_0920_1733_10
- Cochrane, T. (2011). Ascilite Fellow Award. Hobart, Tasmania: Ascilite: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
- Cochrane, T. (2011). Mobilizing learning: transforming pedagogy with mobile web 2.0. Unpublished PhdDoctorate, Monash University, Melbourne.
- Cochrane, T. (2011). MLearning Praxis: A Pragmatic Guide to Implementing Mobile Learning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Elearning Futures (iCELF). Retrieved from http://www.icelf.org/assets/elc11Abstract00030.pdf
- Cochrane, T. (2011). mLearning: Why? What? Where? How? In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th ASCILITE Conference, ASCILITE 2011: Changing Demands, changing directions (pp. 250-262). Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: The University of Tasmania.
- Cochrane, T. (2011). Reflections on 4 Years of Mlearning Implementation (2007-2010). [Journal]. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(3), 1-22.
- Cochrane, T. (2011). Beyond the Yellow Brick Road: Mobile web 2.0 informing a new institutional elearning strategy. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN) Special Issue: The Transformational Impact of Learning Technology, 15(4), 221–231.
- Cochrane, T. (2011). Exploring the Pedagogical Affordances of Mobile Web 2.0. In L. Chao (Ed.), Open Source Mobile Learning: Mobile Linux Applications (pp. 196-215). Hershey, PA 17033, USA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2010). Strategies for mlearning Integration: Evaluating a Case Study of Staging and Scaffolding mlearning Integration Across a Three-Year Bachelor's Degree. Paper presented at the ALT-C 2010. Retrieved from http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2010/
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2010, 5th to 7th July). Pedagogy 2.0: Invigorating A Paper Based Design History Course. Paper presented at the EDULEARN10 the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2010). Smartphones give you wings: Pedagogical affordances of mobile web 2.0. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(1), 1-14.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2010). A Mobile Learning Journey: Or "A tale of two academics pedagogical partnership". Paper presented at the The 6th International Conference on Technology , Knowledge and Society 2010. Retrieved from http://t10.cgpublisher.com/proposals/89/index_html
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2010). Reflections on 3 years of mlearning implementation (2007-2009). Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2010. Retrieved from http://www.mlearning-conf.org/
- Cochrane, T. (2010). Exploring the Pedagogical Affordances of Mobile Web 2.0. In L. Chao (Ed.), Open Source Mobile Learning: Mobile Linux Applications (Vol. In Pre-Press). Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T. (2010, 26-30 October). An mlearning Journey: Mobile Web 2.0 Critical Success Factors. Paper presented at the MLearn 2010: The 9th International Conference on Mobile Learning, Valletta, Malta.
- Cochrane, T. (2010). Twitter Tales:Facilitating international collaboration with mobile web 2.0. Paper presented at the 27th ASCILITE Conference, ASCILITE 2010. Retrieved from http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/sydney10/
- Cochrane, T. (2010). Exploring Mobile Learning success factors. ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology, 18(2), 133-148.
- Flitta, I., Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2009). Using Smartphones and Mobile Web 2.0 to Create a Mobile Computing Platform for Tertiary Education. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Learning and Teaching), November 2009, 18-27.
- Cochrane, T., Flitta, I., & Bateman, R. (2009). Facilitating Social Constructivist Learning Environments for Product Design Students Using Social Software (Web2) and Wireless Mobile Devices. [Journal]. DESIGN Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 3(1), 15pp.
- Cochrane, T., Flitta, I., & Bateman, R. (2009, 20-24 April). Using Smartphones and Mobile Web 2.0 to Create a Mobile Computing Platform for Tertiary Education. Paper presented at the ANZAAE Conference 2009, Dunedin.
- Cochrane, T., & Flitta, I. (2009, 16th to 18th November). An MLearning Journey: Critical Incidents in Transforming Pedagogy. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2009), Madrid, Spain.
- Cochrane, T., Bateman, R., & Flitta, I. (2009, 22-24 April). Integrating Mobile Web 2.0 within Tertiary Education. Paper presented at the m-ICTE2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Cochrane, T., Bateman, R., & Flitta, I. (2009, 15 - 17 February). Facilitating Social Constructivist Learning Environments for Product Design Students Using Social Software (Web2) and Wireless Mobile Devices. Paper presented at the Design/09 the Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
- Cochrane, T., Bateman, R., Cliffin, P., Gardner, J., Henderson, I., & Holloway, S. (2009, 6th to 8th July). Mobilizing Learning: Mobile Web 2.0 Scenarios in Tertiary Education. Paper presented at the EDULEARN09 the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2009). Smartphones give you wings: Pedagogical affordances of mobile web 2.0. Paper presented at the 26th ASCILITE Conference, ASCILITE 2009. Retrieved from http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/auckland09/
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2009, 30th September to 2nd October). mLearning Journeys: Redesigning Teaching for mLearning. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference, Universal College Of Learning (UCOL), Palmerston North.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2009). Transforming Pedagogy Using Mobile Web 2.0. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 1(4), 56-83.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2009). Transforming Pedagogy using Mobile Web 2.0. Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2009. Retrieved from http://www.mlearning-conf.org/
- Cochrane, T. (2009). Mobilizing Learning: Intentional Disruption. Harnessing the potential of social software tools in higher education using wireless mobile devices. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 3(4. Special edition: Developing Themes in Mobile Learning), 399 - 419.
- Cochrane, T. (2009). Using Mobile Web 2.0 to Transform Pedagogy and Engage Learners. Good Practice Publication Grants e-book, (5 November). Retrieved from http://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/ako-hub/good-practice-publication-grants-e-book/resources/pages/using-mobile-web-20-transform-pedago
- Cochrane, T. (2009, 26-30 October). Mobile Web 2.0: from Pilots to the Mainstream. Paper presented at the MLearn 2009: The 8th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, University of Central Florida, Institute for Simulation and Training, Orlando, Florida.
- Cochrane, T. (2009). Contemporary Music Students and Mobile technology. In J. Odonoghue (Ed.), Technology Supported Environment for Personalised Learning: Methods and Case Studies (pp. 429 - 454). Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T. (2009). Mobile Web2.0: Bridging Learning Contexts. In S. Caballe, F. Xhafa, T. Daradoumis & A. A. Juan (Eds.), Architectures for Distributed and Complex M-Learning Systems: Applying Intelligent Technologies (pp. 123 - 151). Hershey, PA 17033, USA: IGI Global.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2008, 1-3 October). Engaging Students with Mobile Web2.0. Paper presented at the EIT Teaching & Learning Conference, EIT, Napier, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T., & Bateman, R. (2008, 8-10 September). Engaging Students with Mobile Web2.0. Paper presented at the eFest, Sky City Convention Centre.
- Cochrane, T. (2008). Mobile Web2.0 the New Frontier. Paper presented at the ASCILITE 2008, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Cochrane, T. (2008, 1-4 July). Going for gold: a moblogging case study. Paper presented at the HERDSA 2008: Engaging Communities, Millenium Hotel, Rotorua, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T. (2008). The educational potential of Wireless Mobile Devices and Web2. from http://elg.massey.ac.nz/index.php?title=The_educational_potential_of_Wireless_Mobile_Devices_and_Web2
- Cochrane, T. (2008, 8-10 October). Designing Mobile Learning Environments: Mobile trials at Unitec 2008. Paper presented at the MLearn08: The bridge from text to context, University of Wolverhampton, School of Computing and IT.
- Cochrane, T., & Kligyte, G. (2007, 11-14 June). Dummies2Delight: Using Communities of Practice to develop educational technology literacy in tertiary academics. Paper presented at the JISC online conference: Innovating eLearning, JISC online conference.
- Cochrane, T., & Kligyte, G. (2007, 23-25 June). Dummies2Delight: Using Communities of Practice to develop educational technology literacy in tertiary academics. Paper presented at the eFest, Wellington Convention Centre.
- Cochrane, T. (2007, 26-28 September). Integrating Multimedia In Moodle Courses. Paper presented at the Moodle Moot 2007, Wintec, Hamilton.
- Cochrane, T. (2007, 16-19 October). Mobile Blogging: A Guide for Educators Paper presented at the MLearn 2007 - Making the Connections 6th International Conference on Mobile Learning, Melbourne.
- Cochrane, T. (2007, 16-19 October). Moving Mobile Mainstream: Using Communities of Practice to Develop Educational Technology Literacy in Tertiary Academics. Paper presented at the MLearn 2007 - Making the Connections 6th International Conference on Mobile Learning, Melbourne.
- Cochrane, T. (2007). Mobile Blogging. Paper presented at the EIT Teaching & Learning Symposium, EIT, Napier, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T. (2007). Mobile Blogging. Paper presented at the CALL Symposium, Unitec, New Zealand.
- Cochrane, T. (2007). Mobile Web2 Pedagogies. Paper presented at the Conference on Mobile Learning technologies and Applications (MOLTA). Retrieved from http://molta.massey.ac.nz/massey/depart/sciences/conferences/molta/molta-proceedings.cfm
- Cochrane, T. (2007). B2.2 Mobile Teaching Styles. In A. Burns, J. Smith & S. Towers (Eds.), Creating Mobile Learning (pp. 15). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
- Cochrane, T. (2007). Developing interactive multimedia Learning Objects using QuickTime. [Internet]. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 2596-2640.
- MERLOT Music Review Panel. (2006, Feb 7). Peer Review of Interactive Audio mixer by Thomas Cochrane, author. Retrieved Feb 8, 2006, from http://www.merlot.org/artifact/PeerReviewDetail.po?discipline=Music&rOid=1010000000000279559
- Cochrane, T. (2006, 3-6 December). Learning with wireless mobile devices and social software. Paper presented at the 23rd ASCILITE Conference: Who's Learning? Whose technology?, The University of Sydney, Sydney.
- Cochrane, T. (2006, 27-29 September). Moving beyond the LMS - Getting Flock'd: A hub for social software tools. Paper presented at the eFest, Wellington Convention Centre.
- Cochrane, T. (2005, 4-7 December). Mobilising learning: A primer for utilising wireless palm devices to facilitate a collaborative learning environment. Paper presented at the 22nd ASCILITE Conference: Maintaining the Momentum?, Brisbane.
- Cochrane, T. (2005, 19-21 September). Mobilzing Learning: A Primer for Utilizing Wireless Palm Devices to Facilitate a Collaborative Learning Environment. Paper presented at the eFest 2005, Wellington Convention Centre.
- Cochrane, T. (2005). Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia Learning Objects to enhance both face to face and distance e-learning environments. Inter Disciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 1(1), 32-54.
- Webster, M. (2004, January/February). MAINZ Macs. New Zealand MacGuide, 13, 28-34.
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- multimedia Learning Objects. . Unpublished Action Research, Unitec, Auckland.
- Cochrane, T. (2004). Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia learning objects. Paper presented at the eFest 2004, Wellington Convention Centre.
- Cochrane, T. (2004, 5-8 December). Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia learning objects to enhance both face to face and distance e-learning environments. Paper presented at the Beyond the comfort zone: 21st ASCILITE Conference, Perth.
- Cochrane, T. (2003). Creating an e-learning environment for a polytechnic course. Paper presented at the eFest 2003, CPIT Christchurch.